Confidential Bureau of Investigations ( CBI)

Confidential Bureau of Investigations


What is eWhoring? 

eWhoring is an online fraud similar to catfishing, where individuals’ photos, predominately nudes, are either stolen or leaked online and then sold usually on the dark web or other specialist online forums. Victims Images are often sold in packs to other fraudsters who then go on to make tens sometimes hundreds of thousands of pounds by creating fake online persona’s using the victim’s images without their knowledge or their consent.

The fraudsters will often use the victim’s images on porn, webcam, escorting, and dating sites advertising services of a sexual nature and pretending to be the individual in the photos. This is also referred to as image-based sexual exploitation.

What is an eWhoring Investigation?

Our specialist eWhoring investigations team are able to identify victims’ images that have been leaked online and provide a full, comprehensive report on the domains that these images are being used on.  Here at ConfidentialP-Eye, we have worked with numerous individuals and celebrities in order to establish whether they are in fact victims of eWhoring.

If you are in need of an eWhoring Investigation and are concerned your personal images have fallen into the wrong hands or have been leaked online then why not speak to a dedicated specialist eWhoring Investigator about your concerns.

We offer a free consultation and all enquiries are completely confidential.

Common Types of Corporate Private Investigations

Private investigation professionals can be a huge asset to small business owners and large corporations alike, offering a number of different services that can help companies combat fraud, false claims and other wrongdoing. Learn more about some of the most common kinds of investigations that can be conducted by private investigators. 

What does a corporate investigator do?

A corporate investigator acts as a private detective for a company, diving deeper into incidents like workplace theft, personal injury, or even conducting robust background checks during the hiring process. Essentially, they look into a business or corporation in order to reveal wrongdoings and deliberately harmful actions.

Corporate private investigators typically have a professional history in law enforcement, business, auditing, or other related fields.

Corporate private investigators typically have a professional history in law enforcement, business, auditing, or other related fields, and a bachelor’s degree is usually preferred.

Legal Investigation and Skip Trace Investigation 

There are a number of different things investigators can do to assist law firms and attorneys in the court system. Trial preparation is just one of the many types of investigation that private investigators can conduct. During a legal investigation, law firms can hire investigators to assist in the intel gathering and research process ahead of a trial. This can include gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and even helping with jury pool to ensure a fair trial. The goal of trial preparation is to create a story, draw lines from points A to B to C, and give the judge and jury a clear picture of what happened. This can also be helpful to prevent counterattacks from opposing attorneys looking to punch holes in the story.

Skip tracing involves locating individuals who may be hard to find — often intentionally.

Skip tracing involves locating individuals who may be hard to find — often intentionally. Investigators can help with skip tracing to track down potential suspects, find hidden assets, or locate them ahead of a trial or fraud investigation. During the skip tracing process, investigators can identify past criminal history, 

Social Media Investigation 

Social media is an incredibly useful tool for investigators because an individual’s online presence can reveal a lot about them — including their location, relationship status, hobbies and interests, political views and biases and so much more. Companies can hire private investigators to execute social media investigations  because they often have the technical skills, knowledge and resources to uncover exactly the information that’s needed. Private investigators can leverage metadata, online chatrooms and social platforms to find valuable information for companies during the hiring process, or even to identity workers compensation fraud.

Due Diligence Investigation

A diligence investigation refers to an investigation that examines how a company functions, from finances, performances, clients, history and more. Companies looking to merge, acquire other companies or go public may pursue a due diligence investigation to reveal more information about other companies. This can prevent companies from entering into business relationships that may not be beneficial for them long term. A private investigator will use a variety of methods to conduct a due diligence investigation, including an asset search, reviewing public records, and even conducting surveillance. 

Surveillance Investigation

A surveillance investigator uses a variety of tools to conduct surveillance investigations, and these investigations are typically executed for businesses looking to reveal insurance fraud or workers compensation fraud. There are a number of different surveillance investigation types, including mechanical, social media, digital, overt and covert.

Surveillance requires a deep understanding of ethics and both federal and state laws in order to practice effectively

Surveillance requires a deep understanding of ethics and both federal and state laws in order to practice effectively — and to avoid legal troubles. 

Insurance Fraud Investigation 

Insurance companies can hire insurance fraud investigators to investigate cases in which individuals seek compensation for false claims, typically after a personal injury. Employers may choose to undergo an insurance fraud investigation if an employee is injured on the job, and claims that the injury was the result of a work environment. These types of claims can be costly for both the employer and the insurance company. Insurance companies typically have their own Special Investigations Unit (SIU) to investigate false claims, but companies may also hire private investigators to learn more. 

Private Eye: Investigating Intellectual Property Infringement

Intellectual property (IP) infringement (copyright infringement) is a major issue for brand owners and innovators, as it can result in lost revenue, damage to reputation, and even legal disputes. Private investigators can play a crucial role in helping brand owners protect their IPs by conducting investigations and gathering evidence of copyright infringement.

Some common types of IP infringement include patent infringement, copyright infringement violations, trademark violations, and theft of trade secrets. Private investigators can use various techniques to investigate these types of infringement, including surveillance, online monitoring, and interviewing witnesses.

During an investigation, a private investigator may gather evidence of infringement, such as photographs, videos, or documentation. This evidence can be used to support legal action against the infringing party or to negotiate a settlement.

Private investigators can provide valuable support to brand owners and innovators in protecting their intellectual property. By conducting thorough investigations and gathering evidence of infringement, they can help prevent further damage and secure the brand’s future.

Types of Intellectual Property Infringement:

Intellectual property infringement can occur in a variety of ways. Some of the most common types of infringement include:

Patent Infringement

Patent infringement is a type of intellectual property infringement that occurs when someone uses, makes, or sells an invention protected by a patent without the patent owner’s permission. Patents provide inventors exclusive rights to their inventions for a certain period, usually 20 years from the filing date. This means that no one else can make, use, or sell the invention without the patent owner’s permission during that time.

If someone does infringe on a patent, the patent owner can take legal action against them to prevent them from continuing to use the invention. This legal action may involve filing a lawsuit in court or seeking an injunction to stop the infringing activity. The patent owner may also be entitled to damages to compensate them for any losses they have suffered due to the infringement.

Private investigators can play a critical role in helping patent owners protect their rights by conducting investigations to gather evidence of infringement. This may involve monitoring the marketplace to identify instances of unauthorized use or sale of the patented invention or investigating a specific individual or company suspected of infringing on the patent.

During an investigation, a private investigator may use various techniques to gather evidence, such as conducting interviews, reviewing documentation, and analyzing products or processes. The evidence gathered can be used to support legal action against the infringing party or to negotiate a settlement with them.

Patent infringement is a serious issue that can have significant financial and legal consequences for both the patent owner and the infringing party. Private investigators can help patent owners protect their rights by conducting investigations and gathering evidence of infringement, which can be used to support legal action or negotiate a settlement.

Counterfeit Goods

Counterfeit goods are fake products that are made to look like genuine products. These products can be sold at a lower price, attracting consumers. However, buying counterfeit goods is illegal and can harm both consumers and brand owners.

Trademark Violations

Trademark violations occur when someone uses a brand’s name or logo without permission. This can lead to brand dilution and confusion among consumers. 

How Private Investigation Services Can Help

Private investigators can play a vital role in intellectual property (IP) investigations by using their specialized knowledge and expertise to help brand owners and innovators protect their IP rights. 

Here are some of the ways that private investigators can help in IP investigations:

  1. Conducting investigations: Private investigators can conduct investigations to gather evidence of IP infringement. They can use various techniques, including surveillance, online monitoring, and interviewing witnesses to identify unauthorized use or sale of the IP.
  2. Monitoring the marketplace: Private investigators can monitor the marketplace to identify counterfeit products, online sales of counterfeit products, and other unauthorized uses of IP. They can work with clients to develop a plan to stop the infringement and remove counterfeit products from the market.
  3. Gathering evidence: Private investigators can gather evidence of IP infringement, such as photographs, videos, and documentation. This evidence can be used to support legal action against the infringing party or to negotiate a settlement.
  4. Working with legal counsel: Private investigators can work closely with legal counsel to provide evidence and other support for legal action against the infringing party. They can also help to identify potential witnesses and provide testimony in court.
  5. Risk assessment: Private investigators can assess the risk of IP infringement and recommend strategies to mitigate the risk. They can work with clients to develop plans to protect their IP and prevent future infringement.

Private investigators can provide valuable support in IP investigations by using their expertise and knowledge to gather evidence, monitor the marketplace, and provide guidance on protecting IP rights. By working with clients and legal counsel, private investigators can help to prevent and stop IP infringement, protect the reputation of brands, and safeguard the future of innovations.

Due Diligence

Due diligence is a critical step in protecting intellectual property. It involves investigating the potentially infringing party to determine whether they have the right to use the IP in question. Due diligence can help brand owners identify potential infringers before they become a significant problem.

Trademark Investigations

Trademark investigations involve investigating potential trademark violations. This can include looking for unauthorized use of a brand’s name or logo and identifying potential infringing parties.

For example, a company will pay significant amounts to display its product on end units at large retail stores. They want to ensure their product is represented properly and in line with what they have paid. 

Intellectual Property Investigations

IP investigations involve investigating potential infringement of any type of intellectual property, including patents, copyright infringement, and trademarks. These investigations can help brand owners identify and build a case against potential infringers.

Working with Law Enforcement and Legal Counsel

In addition to private investigation services, brand owners can also work with law enforcement and legal counsel to protect their intellectual property. Law enforcement can help brand owners identify and prosecute infringers, while legal counsel can help brand owners build a case against infringing parties.

In Conclusion

Intellectual property infringement (copyright infringement) is a significant challenge for brand owners and innovators. However, by working with private investigation services, law enforcement, and legal counsel, brand owners can protect their intellectual property and prevent infringers from profiting from their work. 

Private investigation services can provide the critical information you need to build a legal case against infringing parties, whether you are dealing with patent infringement, copyright infringement, counterfeit goods, or trademark violations.


Fraud Investigation at Banks and Financial Institutions

Improvements in automated anti-fraud systems and ‘know your customer’ (KYC) compliance at banks and brokerage firms have reduced the incidence of fraudulent activity related to money laundering, identify theft and wire fraud. Yet despite advances in account screening and security protocols, financial institutions remain a common target for fraudulent schemes and related crimes.

Confidential P-Eye Intelligence provides investigative support for banks, credit unions, brokerage firms and mutual fund institutions. We work with in-house lawyers and outside counsel, as well as bank executives and personnel in operational units such as loan, mortgage and fraud departments.

Bank Fraud Investigation

Every investigation at ConfidentialP-Eye is led by a Certified Fraud Examiner. Our experienced investigators deliver intelligence, discretion and professionalism when conducting investigations for financial institutions – including sensitive inquiries pertaining to customers, employees and partners.

We have assisted financial institutions, insurers and law firms with investigations of mortgage fraud, wire fraud, internet fraud, payment fraud, bankruptcy fraud and investment fraud. We have also led investigations of rogue traders, corruption, collusion and internal fraud schemes.

In addition to fraud investigation, ConfidentialP-Eye Intelligence specializes in comprehensive personal and commercial asset searches to support financial recovery in litigation, settlement, and post-judgment collection.

Fraud Investigation And Risk Management Services In Uganda

Fraud investigation and Risk management services in uganda in Uganda

The corporate frauds can be considered as an illegal activity or deceptive means used with the intention to inflate the company’s profits. Risk is uncertain and unavoidable in nature. With the increase in modern challenges in the market, also increases the chance of being affected with various fraudsters. It takes ample of time to identify and solve corporate threats as they are not easily visible through naked eyes.

It is essential for business entity to hire effective corporate risk investigation service providers to prevent themselves from facing serious financial issue. Our client base include, Fortune 200 Companies, Law Firms, Fraud Examiners, In-House Counsels, International Process Servers, International Private Investigators, Corporations, Exporters, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions and other private individuals in all over the world.

Introducing,, an online venture especially designed with a vision to provide finest range of fraud investigation and risk management services worldwide. With global networks of partners and associates in more than 100 countries, we are able to offer vast scope of corporate risk investigation services globally.

Today, we are one of the well-known and most desired companies under the industry of security and investigation. We are employed with best and highly qualified team of corporate investigators who are able to deliver the services in most effective and efficient manner.

Our Corporate investigators are providing clients a proper consultation on frauds which is useful for further business strategy. Our company is well specialized in providing an appropriate guidance on methods, techniques, tools, recommendations and solutions to prevent the fraud which can improve your results at the end.

Our main objective is to highlight that where there is a potential for fraud likely to be committed and controls that should be incorporated across all aspects of business. Our experts help you to reduce the risk by detecting the fraud and control the exposure to the minimum extent. We can assist our clients to maintain low fraud levels and take preventive measures at the early stage.

Our main goal is to wipe-out corporate crime to prevent you from future loss and to help you at the early stage for taking right decision of future concern. Our unique approach of investigation and consistency for providing excellent services marked us in the category of triumphant organizations.

Our prime aim is to serve our potential clients and provide them with finest solutions to expand their businesses.

Our chosen team of investigators has excellent and high caliber corporate investigators who are trained to conduct the discreet investigations efficiently. Our consistent track record of providing the maximum possible success rate has led us to be considered as one of the leading and best-known corporate investigation companies in the market.

We ensure that every case undertaken by us our done in most professional manner and by all ethical means. We also make sure that each case is conducted may marinating all clause of confidentiality.

For further discussion about our corporate investigation services as per the requirement respectively, kindly contact us on

Corporate Investigators & Business Risk Investigation Service


Confidential Verification Solutions  welcomes you to its online venture,, which makes it easier for the various corporate sectors to avail themselves of our corporate risk investigation services.

We are proud to have a global corporate investigators network of our partners and associates. Our network is spread throughout all areas of Africa, Europe and  America

Our Corporate Investigators are by your side to replace the uncertainties you may have. There can be similarities as well as differentiation in overall business principles in every industry, and we deal with your problems based on regulations, purpose and needs.

We undertake and review a multiple number of commercial matters related to Business Due Diligence Investigations, Employees Background Verifications, Workplace Investigations, Field Investigations and Commercial Information Services. Being well-established and experienced, we have defined our strategies based on professional research and conceptual vision. Our main purpose is to provide our diversified range of corporate investigation services to our clientele to help them manage major intellectual and commercial tasks for their betterment and growth. We strive to protect our clients against corporate fraud, bad reputation, financial irregularity and external threats.

Confidential Investigators help you when your business is at risk or is facing serious financial issues, or when a company’s reputation is at stake. We help you to find correct information and determine the best solution. Our team of well-known corporate investigators, with their many years of expertise, is able to provide the best customized solutions to various corporate and commercial sectors including leading Law Firms & IP Attorneys, Audit & Advisory Companies, International Corporate Investigators, Insurance Companies, Recruitment Agencies, Government Departments, Banks & Financial Institutions and Private Individuals based anywhere in the world. We make sure to provide authentic evidence and cost effective services to our clients.

Our corporate investigation services is also very beneficial for various investors who are looking forward to investing with a group, join an established venture, or collaborate with other business groups. Our professional team is well trained in conducting due diligence investigations and can provide accurate and complete reports to investors before entering into any partnership. Our exact and conclusive reports include all relevant information required in order to prevent one from entering into a wrong partnership.

Our only aim is to serve our clients and provide them with amicable solutions to expand their businesses. This is the only factor which has made us stand out, to differentiate and widen our boundaries across the world. We deal with all our clients with complete professionalism. Corporate Investigators consider all its clients to be equally important, so all queries are handled with the same care and commitment.

With the support of the latest available technology and broad knowledge, our corporate investigators are able to provide concrete information to our clients to protect them from undergoing severe losses. Our consistent track record of providing the maximum possible success rate has led us to be considered as one of the leading and best-known corporate investigation companies on the market. To avail yourselves of our services based on your needs and wishes, or to know more about our wide range of corporate investigation services, kindly contact us at according to your requirement and suitability.

An Insight Of Our Services At Confidential P-Eye

Corporate Investigations

A Corporate investigation covers all aspects of business oriented investigations like competitive intelligence, due diligence of business rivals, background screening of potential partners and investors, background check of employees and staff members and social status investigation of business and corporate houses. These Corporate Investigations enable the clients to take crucial decisions, which, if taken arbitrarily, may prove fatal and very damaging. Corporate Investigations are a valuable tool in the hands of business leaders and decision makers which largely secure their business interests and eliminate all potential risks to the maximum possible extent.

During the routine course of business operations there are several occasions where employees, especially the new recruits, have to be provided access to very sensitive and confidential information and it is therefore necessary that all employees should have a clean background and should not have a tainted past attached to them. Proper background check and verification is the best way to rule out such possibilities at any stage of the employment.

In addition to this, there is a running requirement of periodic market checks in order to control the menace of counterfeiting, copy right violations and Intellectual Property Infringements, which have become very prevalent in the markets today and our dedicated personnel keep the markets under regular watch for observations of such ongoing malpractices in order to safeguard the business interest of our clients to the best possible extent.

Due Diligence Investigations

  1. It is a known fact that things may not be the same as they appear. In most of the cases involving personal or business disputes, the root cause of the problem lies in material concealment of facts and gross misrepresentation and falsification of facts and figures, particularly in the books of a company. Doctored facts like inflated Salary bills, Fictitious Asset and Liabilities Statements, fabricated Profit and Loss statements are some of the most commonly encountered situations which cause wrongful gains to one party while causing wrongful loss to the other.It is during such situations that the parties opt for Due Diligence Investigations on other parties which may be employees, associates, acquaintances, business partners or potential business associates, partners, suppliers etc.A detailed Due Diligence report provides a clear idea of the Financial Credibility, Credit Worthiness, Holding Capacity, Financial and Market Repute, Ongoing Litigations and Social Background of a party. Such information is essentially required for making business decisions in the best interest of a business or corporate house.

Insurance Claim Investigations

This is another highly specialized wing of the company and is based on the basic principle of insurance:

“An Insurance Policy is a tool to safeguard the bonafide interests of the effected / victimized parties in event of a genuine loss of life or property. In no case should an Insurance Policy be used as an instrument to mint money by way of deception or fabrication of material facts and / or by way of presenting false evidences”

Unfortunately, in today’s scenario there are many miscreants who simply use the Insurance Policies to serve their vested interests in a malafide manner. Submission of false claims supported by fake evidences, documents and information have become a common thing now and it has become equally important for the insurance companies to verify the authenticity of each and every Insurance Claim, be it in respect of life or property.

It is not at all surprising to unearth cases where the claimed deceased person is found alive in a hale and hearty condition or coming across the claimed accidental vehicle which was never damaged actually. Such fraudulent claims, if passed, can severely dent the financial worth of the Insurer and create social insecurity in the society by jeopardizing the basic essence of the concept of Insurance which aims at creating social security by way of sharing joint liability.

It is therefore essential that not only for the financial safeguard of the insurer but also for the overall interest of the community, the perpetrators of Insurance Fraud should be brought to justice and should be recommended for suitable punitive action for their wrongdoings and fabrication.

This can only be achieved by way of sincere investigations and our highly experienced Claim investigators go the extra mile to dig even the remotest of facts and leave no stone unturned while probing the genuineness and authenticity of a life or property Insurance claim. We take pride in stating that our services are hired by some of the biggest Insurers and Claim settlers around the world who have entrusted upon us, the task of probing some of the most critical death claims at times, in different parts of the world and we also have the distinction of unearthing some fake cases during the recent past.

Intellectual Property Rights Investigations

Though Intellectual Property and IP Rights have come up as a major thrust area in today’s industrial set-up, there are still a number of countries where Intellectual Property and IP Rights remain an alienated concept. This may be attributed to the sheer ignorance of the business community or low academic acumen of businessmen, but under the light of a known fact that “ignorance of law cannot be treated as a valid defense”, it becomes essential that IP Rights of any and all are duly protected and preserved in the best interest of the bonafide owners.

It is needless to mention that counterfeiting has eaten into the genuine profits of a number of brands causing excessive financial and reputational losses to such brands. In addition to this, counterfeiting or copy right infringements in sensitive industries like health and pharmaceuticals are a big threat to mankind. The losses incurred on account of piracy, counterfeiting, IP rights violation, Copy Right infringements, parallel and unauthorized trade, illegal export and import are sufficient to cause an irreparable damage to an organization. Hence it is in the best interest of the business community, particularly the manufacturing industries, that strict vigilance be maintained across all their markets so that the inflow of counterfeits or any similar violation can be promptly detected and appropriate action be initiated to culminate the malpractice and bring the perpetrators of crime to justice.

Our highly skilled and experienced IP investigators, which include former state enforcement officials and Police personnel, carry out enforcement actions, raids, seizures over and above routine market vigilance an ensure that the menace of IP Rights violation is curbed to the best possible extent. This also highlights our motto “Our business is protecting your business”.

International Process Service & Skip Tracing

The chronic problem with habitual offenders is that they simply vanish after committing an offence and change their base to an undisclosed location bringing all the pending legal proceedings against them to a standstill. This is the most frustrating point in the course of a judicial or legal proceeding where the agencies cannot proceed against such miscreants as they become untraceable.

In addition to this, it has also been noticed that many a times the respondents to a judicial proceeding evade the service of summons either deliberately or by way of relocating themselves to remote locations or foreign countries where the service of summons and execution of decree becomes very difficult. Such acts put the petitioners to massive loss and the litigations continue to drag indefinitely.

In such situations, our highly skilled process servers make multiple efforts and serve the documents personally to the respondents thereby clearing the way for subsequent judicial proceedings. Our process servers are duly capable of serving the documents under the provisions of the Hague Convention also. In addition to this, we have a highly specialized team which takes care of the skip trace cases wherein they put in the best of their efforts to locate the whereabouts of the persons who try to evade the judicial proceedings pending against them by way of hiding or relocating themselves.

Our company has the distinction of solving a handful of such cases wherein long pending litigations where the respondents were not appearing or had gone untraceable have been finally solved and the parties were successfully located. Our expert team has the capability to dig deeper into almost every lead that we obtain during the course of investigation and connecting all the leads with available on-ground facts, we move towards solving such typical and difficult cases.


Background Verification & Check Services

Verification of antecedents and a thorough background check are two essential components of all prospective business associations and HR hiring in the present scenario. We do come across incumbent recruits getting jobs on fake certificates and degrees. Such people not only cause a loss of employment opportunity to other deserving candidates but are also a threat to the working of the organization as they act without proper subject knowledge. Such incidents of perjury can be easily controlled by proper verification and background check.

Our experienced and skilled operators thoroughly check the academic records with the record office of the respective educational institution, personally verify the previous employments, and conduct neighborhood enquiries and present the most conclusive and comprehensive verification reports.

We have the distinction of serving some of the largest corporate houses for their verification and background check requirements and at times, some large corporate houses have hired us for verifying the antecedents of the key management designates like CEOs, VPs, Directors etc before formally issuing the Letters of Appointments.

Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM)

Even a mere thought of such a situation where someone might have access to any and all information or happenings taking place in one’s home or office can be frightening and worrying for the affected person. During our long stint as pioneers in the field of investigation, we have come across various cases where ongoing Technical Surveillance has been unearthed and sophisticated gadgets have been recovered from the most unsuspected locations. Be it a microphone or a trans- receiver embedded in the office chair of a senior official or a hidden voice receiver installed beneath the driver’s seat in one’s car; our highly skilled TSCM team, headed by a former para-military Commandant is equipped with the most sophisticated gadgets like spectrographic analyzers, wave interceptors, bug detectors etc.

This team has the distinction of executing some of the toughest assignments in various countries and has unearthed some alarming rackets which have lead to the exposure of anti-management conspiracy, internal politics and infighting in the organization. This team has given results which have had far reaching effects on the growth of the client organization and has been instrumental in controlling such mischievous activities which could have put the client organization to a great loss, if they would not have been detected and prevented on time.


Online Private Investigations In Uganda

Do you need the help of an online private investigator?  If so then we can help. We are specialising in online private investigation.

We have a specialist team of professional and highly experienced online investigators whose daily job is to carry out online investigations. Our Online Private investigators have experience within both the commercial and private sector and have carried out hundreds of online private investigations.

Online Private Investigator Service

If you need the services of online investigator you should consult with us today. Our private investigators specialise in the following online investigations:

  • Cyber Stalking Investigations
  • Cyber Harassment Investigations
  • Cyberbullying Investigations
  • Online Identity Theft Investigations
  • Fake Profile Investigations
  • Email Tracing
  • OSINT Investigations
  • Copyright infringement investigations
  • Internet Fraud Investigations
  • Online Dating Scams Investigations
  • Social Media Scams
  • IP tracing Investigations
  • Reputation Management Investigations
  • Online Abuse Investigations
  • Trolling Investigations
  • Revenge Porn Investigations

Online Investigators

Our online investigators are a dedicated team of professionals who adhere to the highest professional standards. Our online private investigator skills are second to none and our techniques and experience have been highly commended by the national press. If you need to work with an exceptional team of online private investigators then look no further than us.

online private investigators

If you need the services of an online private investigator then it is essential that you hire the right online private investigators. Deal with the best on

line private investigators in uganda.

we will be happy to assist you with your online investigation.

Legal Investigation in Uganda

legal investigation

There are straightforward legal matters, and there are those that require extensive, detailed, challenging fact-gathering. Whatever area of law you practice, the Ugandan private investigators at Confidential P-Eye are experienced in the art of legal investigation. Our methods of unearthing the necessary documentation, witnesses, or evidence are done meticulously and in accordance with legal needs so the information we collect is usable in a court of law.

Outsourcing Legal Research to a Ugandan Private Investigator

Paralegals and legal assistants are valuable members of your team, but they can be limited in their resources and time when it comes to research. Outsourcing legal investigations allows you to do due diligence for every case you have and ensures that you will be in possession of the most in-depth information possible.

Private investigators are often an attorney’s best legal resource, for many reasons:

  • Extensive research outlets: In-house legal support can gather pertinent information using public databases and internet searches. However, in-depth digital trails and offline activities can be more thoroughly and accurately documented by a private investigator.
  • People finding expertise: Tracking down witnesses can be a tedious and frustrating use of your legal team’s time. Using advanced investigative tools, expert professional investigators who specialize in witness location can find hard-to-locate subjects. This information will be thorough and often includes current and previous mailing addresses, physical residence, phone numbers, place of employment, and other contact pertinent contact information.
  • Domestic and global searches:  Private investigators are prepared to take a search beyond domestic borders. Private investigators relieve you of the burden of global research that requires travel, extensive network connections, and the tools to work abroad.
  • Time: You have dozens of cases that require attention and your time is dedicated to all facets of legal responsibilities. Private investigators have one goal – to carry out an investigation from start to finish, as meticulously as possible. We have the time and focus to get the information you need, in the right format, and in a time-sensitive situation so you can carry out your duties without interruption.

Ultimately, the more information you have, the stronger your case and your arguments will be. If you feel like discovery is incomplete, or that there is something you could be missing, rely on a private investigator to confirm the information you have already gathered and expand intelligence.

Legal Investigation for All Areas of Law

Nearly all areas of law and litigation can benefit from the comprehensive inquiries, explorations, and observations conducted by a private investigator, including:

  • Civil
  • Criminal defense
  • Divorce and family
  • Intellectual property
  • Labor and employment
  • Liability defense
  • Personal injury
  • Probate
  • Tort actions

Private investigators are impartial. If your client is emotional, untrustworthy, or reticent to offer information, an investigator can clarify information. If you need more information about your opponent, private investigators uncover the evidence confidentially and legitimately.

The discreet and exhaustive measures through which a professional investigator conducts their research to assemble pretrial and trial evidence can consist of:

  • Asset investigation and analysis
  • Background checks
  • Computer forensics
  • Corporate threat assessment
  • Data recovery
  • GPS tracking
  • Interviews
  • Location of witnesses
  • Record research
  • Skip tracing
  • Surveillance
  • Taking statements
  • Uncover undisclosed relationships
  • Verification of computer usage

Why Hire Confidential P-Eye to Conduct Your Legal Investigation?

Our private investigators work closely with and under the direction of legal counsel, conducting extensive, careful searches for pertinent and valuable information. Attorneys are savvy, intelligent professionals, and you know that to adequately and wholly serve your clients you need a reliable support team you can depend on and trust to sort through complex information. We employ highly experienced legal investigators to provide you with high-quality litigation support.

Allow our experts to take the key information gathered during discovery and glean the real-world information that relates to it so your case can be strong. Contact Us to discuss your cases and find out how our legal experts and litigation support investigators can uniquely supplement your work and add robust value to your in-house legal efforts.

Property Management Background Screening

property management background screeningProperty management companies have the responsibility not only to make sure that the staff handling the grounds of the property are loyal but the tenants on the property are also going to fulfill the terms of the contract agreed upon. Property management background screening should be conducted on all the individuals staffed or renting from the company. Making sure that the tenants are in a safe environment should be a major concern for the property management company.

If your property management company isn’t conducting a background screening on tenants and grounds staff, you should ask yourself why and look at any issues you may have had in the past years that could have been resolved with a simple property management background screening.

For Property Management Screening, Whether Tenant Or Grounds Staff, Confidential P-Eye Can Help You Build And Conduct 

Tenant Screening

Property managements companies should have a screening process in place when it comes to approving a candidate for any type of rental property. What they write on the application may not always be true, or they could have had problems with past property management companies they rented from.

When trying to determine the type of property management background screening you should conduct on the tenants will depend on the type of search scope and how in-depth you want to go. You want to make sure that you aren’t going to have someone in the rental property that will possibly be a problem down the road.

A simple property management background screening to see if they currently have a job to pay the rent, and checking to see if they have any open or closed cases with property management companies with being evicted, not paying rent, etc. These are a few of the simple searches that can be done to just investigate their financial situation. Running a credit report will also see how they handle their own money financially. Do they have a lot of outstanding debt? Do they pay their bills on time? These are some of the searches that we can screen to just look at them financially.

A great next step in a property management background screening is to make sure that you are managing a safe environment by screening your tenants to see if they have any criminal records. Criminal records may not be as important as getting paid monthly for rent, but to your other tenants, it is important for them. They have valuables in their home and want it to remain that way, possibly having a tenant that has multiple thefts or trespassing charges are something that you would want to be cautious about. Or possibly they have had several drug charges for manufacturing out of their home. A criminal background screening on these tenants will help to make sure that everyone is safe.

Legalities to Tenant Screening

There are always going to be legalities when running any type of property management background screening on tenants when determining if they are fit to rent or lease from you. You always need to make sure that you receive a signed authorization from the tenant(s). You can’t run a background check on an individual when you are making a decision off of that. Some of the main points include:

  • Landlords may not have a blanket ban on prospective tenants with a criminal background.
  • Landlords must distinguish between arrests and convictions.
  • Potential tenants cannot be denied for an arrest record.
  • Landlords will need to evaluate the nature and severity of the crime, when the crime took place, what the person has done since the conviction, and consider each applicant on a case-by-case basis.
  • If a potential tenant is denied due to a conviction, the landlord may have to prove that the exclusion is justified.
  • The only exception to this guidance is when the conviction was for manufacturing or distributing drugs.

These are great guidelines to make sure that individuals who have not had any criminal activity since their last conviction be able to have a second chance. Even though we want to make sure that the tenants you rent and lease to are going to live a safe environment you also need to make sure that you abide by all the laws and regulations.

Grounds Staff Screening

Property management background screening isn’t just making sure that the tenants on the property are going to make it a safe environment you also need to make sure your staff who is maintaining the grounds are going to make it safe. Putting together a scope of searches to run on these candidates will all depend on the type of information you would like to know before officially hiring them.

Grounds Staff Screening - Property Management Background ScreeningJust like running a background check on a tenant, we can gather the same information as for an individual that will be working the grounds. People may think that ground staff is a minimal job but you have great responsibility and a lot could have access to individuals’ properties.

Being a maintenance worker to fix a problem in someone’s home, you may have access to their personal belongings when that tenant is not home. Being able to make sure you don’t hire someone with a criminal past of theft or burglary will have to be on your radar when you’re conducting a criminal check on them.


When hiring grounds staff, depending on the type of job title they will have, you want to make sure that they have the experience and qualification to handle the job. You wouldn’t want to hire someone who has never worked maintenance before and have them fix a problem in tenants’ home only to have the problem grow. This will cost you money in the long run, as you will need to hire someone else to get the problem fixed.

In the same way, having someone run the accounting department for the properties, you want to make sure that you have a candidate that is qualified and has had experience before. Having some simple checks done when screening your candidates will go along way and ensure that the property will run smoothly.

Whether you are looking to get a property management background screening on a tenant or a grounds staff we are able to put together a custom package to best suit your needs. We have experienced staff able to talk to you in detail about type of information we provide and can build a package for you. Don’t keep asking yourself every time a problem arises what you could have done to avoid this, prevent it now with screening everyone that will have access to your property.

3 Steps to Finding a Lost Friend or Family Member – Struggles, Sadness, and Hopefully Joy

Often in the media we see joyful reunions of family and friends that were once thought to be lost to each other.  Whether it be siblings that were adopted separately at a young age, army buddies that just lost contact, schoolmates that couldn’t quite remember where the other moved – you name it.  There will be the hugging, crying, and the inevitable ‘you haven’t changed a bit’ moments and people love to see it!

If you need assistance finding a lost friend or family member, give the experts at Confidential P-Eye a call today! Our track record of locating people is unmatched and our private investigators are waiting for your call!

Finding a lost friend or family member

Let’s take a look at the process to understand why so many should hire a professional instead just taking matters in the own hands.

Step 1 – Where to Start

The first step to find a lost friend is gathering information.  Compiling all the information you may remember on the person and the last time you had contact with them is incredibly helpful.  While many assume that investigators have superpowers in finding lost people, we truly are at the mercy of the information we can work with.  Having information such as maiden names, dates of birth, jobs, schools, and prior addresses can really be the key to finding results.  Starting with some solid database searches, we can narrow down possible addresses for the person.  Also, it can help to confirm if the person is still living or has since passed away.

Step 2 – Compiling Data and Verification

Once a list of potential addresses and phone numbers is compiled, an investigator can utilize a variety of sources to confirm where your lost friend may be living.  For example, if we are looking to find a lost military pal – using the last address they had on a base and working forward to see if they got married and where they may have raised their family could be good indicators of their current location.  It is incorrectly assumed that utilizing databases is the sole tool for an investigator to find a lost friend.  Working with public record sources such as professional licenses or business ownership records are excellent choices to confirm where a person is living.  Perhaps, your friend was working as a plumber – the records should both have their home address and their business address, and maybe even a phone number.  From there an investigator can reach out to confirm with the person directly if they would like to be in contact, and that brings us to step 3.

Step 3 – Contact with The Lost Friend

With each investigation to find a lost friend, an investigator should confirm with the individual if they are willing to share their contact information.  Often times, people will need time to consider if they remember the person trying to find them, or if they are ready to renew the friendship.  If the person is not yet ready to share their information, the investigator could provide them the other individual’s contact information.  Even with long-lost family members, a person may not be emotionally ready for what that relationship could mean.  Every case may not always be the joyous reunion that is often depicted in media.  If the lost friend feels the need to keep that distance, then it should be respected.  A case in point might be a former classmate who just doesn’t want to reconnect because their time in school caused them anguish.  Having seen both possibilities, respect and empathy is always the best choice.

Finding lost friends or family can be rewarding.  Hearing former bandmates reconnect and find their groove again is one of the best case scenarios, and hearing about a child that doesn’t want to be in contact with a parent is one of the saddest.  Getting the answer to know for certain, though, can give you peace of mind.   So many people struggle through the investigation process and the simple solution is getting in contact with a professional investigator.  With these few steps, we can alleviate the confusion and headaches.

Confidentiap P-Eye would be honored to help you on this journey.  In our many years of experience of locating lost family and friends, we know the best routes to get you reconnected with your loved ones. If you or someone you know needs assistance finding a lost friend or family member, give us a call today.

5 Reasons You Might Need To Invest In A Financial Background Check Or Asset Search

Never heard of a “Financial Background Check”? Then you have been missing out on some critical information affecting a number of different types of financial transactions for businesses and private parties alike.

What is a Financial Background Check?

Different from a standard background check, these investigations focus on both tangible, physical assets and the non-physical corporate assets to paint a full picture of an individual or corporate entity’s financial background. This goes beyond the simple bankruptcy or civil judgement searches that databases offer. A financial background check can paint the full picture of an individual or company’s assets (physical and non-physical) and also can provide the actionable intelligence you and your team need about a litigant’s background including criminal and civil records, state and federal tax liens, business liabilities, and judgements that may be hidden under assumed names or aliases.

In a new business relationship, it’s especially important to know everything about the company and it’s key players before entering into any agreements. Don’t waste time, money and resources on a relationship that had precursory indicators of failing in the beginning—financial background checks shed light into these indicators and save you money in the long run.

Not Sure if You Need a Financial Background Check? Call the Experts at Confidential P-Eye Investigations! Our Investigators are Here to Answer Your Questions. The Consultation is Free and Always Confidential.

Find hidden assets with a financial background check

Reason #1:   You Need to Collect on a Judgement

Is ongoing litigation worth you (or your client’s) time, energy and money? Or do you think that the subject you are trying to collect from might be trying to hide what they have? A Financial background check can help shed light onto what specific holdings an entity or individual might have—hidden or not.

Assets can often be hidden in shell companies, through spouses and family members, or even through hidden accounts. We can provide the intel that will allow you or your counsel to subpoena records about these. We also help to connect the dots and prove connections between companies and subject individuals.

Reason #2:   You’re contemplating whether to engage in litigation:

Prior to obtaining a judgement or ensuing with a legal battle, our financial background check (or asset search) can greatly assist you in determining if it’s worth the pursuit. This service will identify what (positive or negative assets) a person or business might have affiliated to them. If you go through the expense and trouble of obtaining a judgement, it may be nice to know beforehand if the defendant has something you can collect upon.

Reason #3:   You need to find hidden assets and collect in a child support or divorce lawsuit:

Do you or your client believe there is more out there than meets the eye? If you know about hidden assets and are unsure where to start looking, a financial background check can be the start to solving your problems.

confidential P-eye Investigations can help to identify where assets might be, allowing counsel to depose or subpoena the correct individuals and get you the results you need – Call us today to learn more!

Deadbeats use every angle they can to try and hide money and assets. They have spouses lying about hidden assets, they work under the table jobs, or hiding accounts and physical assets through companies. These can be investigated through investigative procedures like employment research as well.

Reason # 4:   Working with clients taking on a new investment, or when taking on a new business partner.

We get that you like the person and that you believe their story, but that is not a substitute for knowing if this person really is being completely honest and is best suited for your business venture, despite what they say. Trust but verify with a financial background check. Our strategies can provide you with the information you need before you begin the process—a financial asset background check can be the deciding factor in whether you or your firm chooses to pursue the business, and we will handle the leg work for you.

Conducting a financial background check when taking on a new business partner

Reason # 5:   You need to locate hidden assets as part of a probate or estate proceeding:

Are you or your client worried that the assets in the light aren’t all of the assets? Probate attorneys, estate executors, and family members all have the right to know what is out there, and these rights need to be protected. Our experts can both track down and verify rightful heirs in addition to searching and locating hidden assets in a decedent’s name. A financial background check can provide the valuable intelligence to confirm or deny your suspicions about assets and give you and your client something tangible to go off of when staking a claim as a rightful heir.

So what’s the benefit?

We not only love helping our clients uncover hidden truths through our financial background check services, but we also take pride in making our clients lives and jobs easier. Working with professional investigators who have a proven track records of obtaining results can bring peace of mind and ease to processes, and also make all the difference. We can take the work off your hands, provide a professional, investigative report that you can take to your client, advisor, partner, attorney to shed light on the truth. Give us a call today.

What Do Digital Forensic Investigations Do?



Digital forensics is one of the most important aspects of an investigation. Along with many skills and techniques, only a select capable few private investigators have the ability and software computer forensics to help build a case as digital evidence can benefit the discovery of workplace dishonesty and internal issues. When computer forensic investigators have access to a computer system, hard drive, or another digital device, they can uncover a wealth of evidence that can establish theft, fraud, or other problematic criminal behaviours.

A large portion of workplace dishonesty can be discovered through computer forensic procedures, and a computer forensic investigator needs to understand how to gather digital evidence. As a result, many private investigators now have digital forensic experts on their teams to solve these digital issues. By carrying out data recovery on digital devices or through digital monitoring, a digital forensics expert can build an idea of what has happened, how it was done, and who it was done by. Here at Expert Investigations, we have a team of highly trained computer forensics investigators that can investigate misuse of company tech, data, or time.

In this article, we are going to take a look at the role of a digital forensics investigator and what they can achieve through computer forensics tactics. If this sounds like a service you need, then call us today!

What Is Digital Forensics?

Digital forensics is a method of investigation that examines computer systems to uncover the truth about digital crime or an individual’s behaviour. Computer forensics is the art of uncovering evidence and recording it accurately to build a legally sound case. From recovering lost data to investigating computer attacks, a forensic computer analyst plays an important role in investigations, and computer science and forensic science have already proven themselves to be valuable aspects of evidence gathering for investigation services.

When we use digital devices, we leave a lot of information behind. The sites we visit and the data we have stored on our computers can be important evidence. Digital forensics is simply the investigation of digital devices to find that evidence. More importantly we can find that deleted data.

With modern mobile devices, we are always surfing the internet, storing data, and leaving behind a trail of what we have done. Digital investigations can discover this information.


What Does a Computer Forensics Investigator Do?

A computer forensics investigator will carry out digital forensic strategies to uncover the truth. They will use forensic tools to find lost or stolen data that could be used as evidence. They can look at hard drives or other digital storage devices to find out information about the case. They can track internet history and computer data to reveal vital information about a crime or workplace issue.

Most importantly, they can help you to build a legally accurate case. Therefore, the evidence can be presented to law enforcement agencies. Presenting digital evidence is now a common part of building a case, and a good digital forensics investigation team will understand how to do this legally and professionally. Here at Expert Investigations, our experienced team understand how to gather evidence that can be presented in a legal setting.

Furthermore, they will not damage any data or digital device. If a digital device is mistreated or data is improperly handled, then you could lose it forever. A digital forensic expert will be able to recover data and evidence without corrupting it. This is something that a forensic analyst prioritises when investigating digital information.

How a Child Custody Investigator Helps During Divorce
How Social Media Is Transforming Private Investigations


Social media is a powerful tool for private invistigators,  and it’s easy to understand why. It provides an unprecedented level of insight into people’s lives, including their interests, connections, and activities.

This information can be invaluable when conducting a background check on someone or gathering evidence for legal proceedings.  But how does social media work as evidence? How do private investigators use this information?

In this blog post, we’ll explore some common uses of social media in investigations and explain how they can be used to help solve cases faster and more effectively than ever before.

What is a Social Media (OSINT) Investigation?

Social media investigations are a powerful tool for private investigators. With the right tools, it’s possible to find out more about people than they would tell you in a face-to-face meeting. If you’re trying to find someone, social media is the best place to start.

Social media can be just as useful if you’re looking for information about businesses. You might want to know whether or not someone has been hired by a company-or if maybe they’re looking for work and have posted their resume on LinkedIn or Glassdoor.

Social media can also  help with identifying key players within an organization, which can lead to further investigation into individuals’ backgrounds and activities outside of work hours (and potentially into their personal lives).

At Confidential P-EYE, we use Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tools to quickly scan through massive piles of data on social media sites. This allows us to uncover critical information related to a number of cases and evidence that can be used in a court of law.

Social Media Investigation Benefits

Social media is a great way to find people. Whether you’re looking for an old friend, a new employee or just want to learn more about someone you met at a party last weekend, social media can help you bring people together.

It’s also a great way to find information about businesses. You can check out their Facebook page and Instagram feed for clues about upcoming projects and news updates before deciding whether or not you want to hire them.

Other Benefits include:

  • Access to information that would not have been available years ago.
  • Geo-tagging and critical metadata that can verify critical information or compliment other evidence.
  • Anonymous browsing of social media information without risking disclosure of a case or client.

What Platforms to Use?

Social media platforms are changing the way private investigators do their jobs. This is an excellent thing for the industry because it opens up new ways togather information, find leads, and communicate with clients. Here are some of the social media platforms that private investigators use:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Reddit
  • YouTube
  • WhatsApp
  • WeChat
  • Sina Weibo
  • Telegram
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • Snapchat
  • Quora
  • Tumblr
  • Discord
  • Medium
  • And more!

The Importance of Metadata

Metadata is data that describes other data. In the world of social media, metadata can be used to find out more about the person behind the post, as well as their device and location. Metadata can also help determine when a photo or message was posted, which can provide useful information for private investigators looking into insurance fraud claims or family law cases. This type of evidence is known as geotagging, and it provides valuable context for what takes place in each image or post on social media platforms.

A single twee can hold as much as 144 different fields of metadata information that can confirm so many parts of a case. If your spouse has tweeted how delicious their ice cream is, but the metadata is from a location, time, and device that confirms infidelity, you have a strong piece of evidence for a settlement, divorce, or child custody.

What Info is Uncovered?

Let’s say you may have a client who is suspected of lying about their alibi. A social media investigator can use the information posted on their client’s Facebook or Twitter account to prove that they were in another location during the time of the crime.

This type of evidence is also helpful when dealing with civil cases and other types of disputes where parties are attempting to establish what happened or what was said at an event. For example, if there has been an accusation made against your client that she was involved in some kind of public altercation with another person, then it would be important for you as an investigator to consider whether any photos or videos exist showing this interaction between them before making any conclusions about whether such an incident actually took place.

Other critical details include everything from testimonials of witnesses from a crime to photos taken while your partner is on a secret vacation with a lover.

How is this Evidence Used?

Social media evidence can be used in court. It’s no secret that social media is an increasingly common way for people to communicate with each other, including criminals planning crimes and victims sharing their experiences afterward. The problem is that it’s difficult for law enforcement officers to get access to this information without a warrant or subpoena.

Private investigators are different because of specialized digital forensics and social engineering tactics that uncover more information.

Social media evidence can prove a person’s location at the time of an alleged crime. An example would be if someone were accused of robbing a bank and posting pictures on Instagram of them sitting at home watching TV later that day.                                          This would make it clear who was involved in said crime-and even provide links between posts showing when they left home (and thus were not present during the robbery) or arrived back after being out all day long.

What about Those Without Social Media?

Social media sites are not the only places where people can leave digital footprints. Many people may not even realize that their web browsers, for example, leave tracks of their online activity. These include websites visited, search terms entered, and IP addresses used.

There are also things known as “shadow profiles.” Maybe someone being searched for to locate their current address doesn’t have social media, but there is a good chance their friends, family, coworkers, previous bosses, and even current workplace does. Tracking this information creaes a profile without an account that  an experienced private investigator can use for positive results.

Hire Expert Social Media Investigators

The reality is we as consumers are putting more and more information freely online about who we are, our habits, our likes, who we interact with the most, and where we tend to frequent. This has made the world of private investigations so much easier because the information is, quite literately, in our fingerprints.

Working with the expert team at  Confidential P-Eye  is a great first step to uncovering everything from insurance fraud to locating a lost pet through social meida  investigations. We use these bespoke technological tools as critical assets in almost every part of our investigations. Reach out today to learn how we can aid your case with powerful social media investigation services.

Private Investigator on CellPhone Spyware

There are all types of various private investigator tools that can help track information, including cellphone spyware. These tools may help private investigators monitor a target’s activity. However, using such programs may not always be legal.

What Is Cellphone Spyware?

Cellphone spyware is an app or software that is installed by a third party so that the third party can monitor activity on the cellphone. Typically, this software enables the third party to record conversations, track the phone user’s location and monitor additional data that is used on the cell phone.

Reasons to Use Spyware

Many people who are interested in using cellphone spyware do it because they are afraid that their spouse is cheating or they otherwise want to spy on their romantic partner. Parents may use cellphone spyware to learn about who their child is talking to, what websites the child is accessing, what types of pictures the minor is sending and where the child is located.

Companies that provide their employees with business cell phones may use this type of program to track employee movements, anticipate legal problems, monitor their use and anticipate possible problems.

Capabilities of Cellphone Spyware

Cellphone spyware may allow a person to monitor text messages. Typically, a person can delete text messages. Some cell phone providers do not keep a secondary record of such messages. Cellphone spyware may allow a third party to see the text messages sent and received from the phone that has the spyware installed on it. Additionally, the spyware may be able to show the date and time stamps for cell phone activity.

Cellphone spyware may also be able to monitor the call logs between the person who is using the phone and other parties, including the phone numbers, dates, times and duration of each call. Depending on the sophistication of the program, the spyware may be able to record voice calls in real time.

Cellphone spyware may also be able to track the location of the phone in real time. The third party that installed the spyware may be able to see where the phone is at any point in time on a map and see where the phone has been moved from. Cellphone spyware may also be able to track, monitor and record other data such as the websites that were visited on the phone, the emails that were sent and received on the phone and other data that is stored on the phone, such as photos, videos, calendar information and contacts.

Advanced Features

Advanced cellphone spyware may allow a third party to record voice calls, download them and play them back later. The software may also be able to record text messages that are used on different messaging apps, record surroundings and activate the phone’s microphone to record information and listen to later.

Some spyware is so advanced that a person may be able to set an alert so they know when a certain word or phone number is used. Remote control settings may allow a person to remotely lock the phone, unlock the phone or pause the spyware functions.

Legality of Cellphone Spyware

The determination of cellphone spyware’s legality depends on a number of factors. Relevant considerations include why the spyware is being used, state law and ownership principles.

Generally, a person must be the owner of the phone in order to legally install the cell phone. For example, a parent who buys the child’s phone and pays for its continued use is likely the listed owner of the phone.

A company that buys employee phones may also be considered the owner of the phone. For married couples, all property purchased during the marriage is likely marital property and the spouses are co-owners of the phone.

However, if the phone was purchased prior to the marriage or pursuant to an agreement by the parties, it may not be considered the property of the other spouse.

Absent owning the phone, the person who wants to install the spyware must inform the person that he or she is installing the software and that this allows for monitoring. For example, a business may have to inform employees that the cell phones may be monitored.

Another consideration is state laws pertaining to recorded conversations. Some states require informing both parties involved on a phone call that they are being recorded for the recording to be legal.

A licensed private investigator can discuss the possible implications of using cellphone spyware and may be able to assist with completing this type of surveillance in the case
What Is A Digital Private Investigators

While many private investigators complete work in the field by conducting surveillance on a subject and photographing them in certain acts, digital private investigators focus more on gathering digital evidence.

This information may be used in family law cases, employment disputes, personal injury cases or myriad other cases.


With more and more technology available on a mainstream platform, individuals have started to specialize in breaking through it in order to assist another individual or entity. Private investigators may analyze texts, phone calls, tweets, photos, social network channels, websites, computer documents and more in order to discover when a spouse is cheating, a parent is not properly caring for his or her children or a business associate is stealing from the company.

Different countries have different laws regarding permissible procedures that private investigators or others may use, so be sure that you check with your personal injury attorney before commencing the activity. Below are a few ways that digital private investigators may uncover important evidence in their cases.

Review of Cell Phone Data

Even if someone deletes text messages, memos, calendar updates and call records, a private investigator may be able to recover this information. This level of detail can inform someone of who the person has had contact with, at what time and date the contact occurred and the content of the contact.

Analysis of Phone Records

If phone records are available, such as if a spouse owns the phone or a company has received a subpoena for the records, private investigators may analyze call data. For example, a phone conversation that takes a long time or repeated calls during certain times like nights and weekends may indicate cheating.

Review of Websites

Digital private investigators may view certain websites to track whether a person has a presence there. For example, in suspected adultery cases, the private investigator may look through dating sites, escort service sties and personal ad sites for a particular individual’s profile or email addresses.

Social Media Sites

Digital private investigators may also look into the online presence of individuals on social media pages.

They may look for posts that are made on public pages, friend pages and other pages. They can print out this information that may be used during court proceedings or just to gather information to confront the other party about.


Digital private investigators can also conduct a basic search for online photos. They may reverse search pictures or specifically look for photos that are contained on social media pages.


Digital private investigators and forensic computer examiners may trove through a person’s documents, photos, videos and other data to uncover important information.

Spouses may have this search conducted on a shared computer or an employer may have the search conducted on the computer that the employee uses but that is owned by the company.

The investigator may search through the browsing history on the device to begin the process. In some instances, the investigator may be able to uncover information that has been intentionally deleted or hidden.

This process often involves tracing Windows artifacts, residual data left by the operating system and other locations in order to find traces of the information that was on the computer before.

Private investigators may run string-searches for emails even when the email client is not obvious. Additionally, they can analyze internet usage to determine how the person was using the system and common sites where he or she visited.

Furthermore, they can analyze electronically-stored information to show when the information was stored, hot it was stored and why it was stored. The private investigator may also employ data recovery strategies to unearth information initially thought gone.

This process often involves recovering files that have been deleted, searching slack space, searching allocated space on the hard drive and searching other locations that are not visible to the user. External hard drives, zip drives and back-upstorage media may be searched.

Additionally, private investigators can search digital media including smartphones, CDs, cloud infrastructures and digital storage devices to search data, files and emails. They may also be able to unearth deleted emails, pictures and browsing history information.


As part of their job, digital private investigators may provide testimony on behalf of their clients at court hearings, depositions and other proceedings. They may describe the strategies that they employ and how they comply with the laws and rules in the jurisdiction.

Online Investigations


Not sure whether the person you’re dating online is a scammer? Maybe you’re fighting a court case or a custody battle and don’t have sufficient evidence to back up your claims.

It doesn’t matter what your circumstances are, here at Confidential P-Eye we conduct professional social media  investigations to help you find what you need.

Scammers continue to use social media and dating websites to deceive people, and the only true way to find out whether the person you’re communicating with is genuine or fake is through a professional online investigation.


At Confidential Investigations we’ve helped many clients get the answers they were looking for. Our social media and online dating investigations are perfect for those who need evidence to handle cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, defamation, custody battles, divorces, and more.

You could even request for a social media investigation to find out whether your partner is faithful to you or not. Our experienced investigators conduct investigations on all manner of dating and social media sites.

We have the expertise to help you attain the supplementary evidence you need to make smart decisions for yourself or your business.


With so many people leveraging the power of social media and online dating sites, it’s become easier for criminals to take advantage of people using sites like Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, and more. Social media investigations will tell you whether the person you’re interacting with online is claiming to be someone they’re not.

By carefully investigating the subject’s online activity, photos, new posts and followers, we can establish character, uncover the person’s true thoughts and intentions, find out who the person usually interacts with, and even tell you whether they’re having a secret affair online. Truth Investigations will help you uncover the cold hard facts professionally and discreetly.


At Confidential P-Eye, we have access to high-end software that enables us to carry out our investigations quickly and efficiently.

Our team have a good understanding of ethics and know exactly what kind of evidence courts accept. We are also well-versed in the rules that dictate how far we can go to gather the information our clients need.

Our team of investigators have the capacity to monitor the subject’s online social media activity. They know when and how to set up alerts to track new posts and account creations. While anyone can conduct a social media investigation online, not everyone knows what evidence needs to be pulled for it to be admissible in court.

Leave the investigation to us and get the answers you need fast. We go beyond and look for hard-to-find information in places seldom accessed.


By using the latest open source investigation methods, we can gather information from numerous social media sites and online dating platforms. We can tell you the age of the subject, their background, location, and more. We take the time to understand your objective and then talk you through the entire investigation process. We will keep you updated throughout the case and communicate our findings discreetly.

If you’re curious to know how social media investigations can help you, call us to learn more.

Personal Investigations

Personal Investigations

Just as insurers and attorneys have special needs, so too do private individuals.
You have likely come here looking for answers. You may be facing a personal crisis, or having doubts about the loyalty or well being of a loved one. You may have suspicions which you need confirmed or laid to rest. Whether you are dealing with a missing child, a cheating spouse,  a divorce, or a child custody matter; we are prepared to help you determine the truth. Knowing the truth will empower you to move forward decisively and confidently.                              As experienced Ugandan infidelity investigators, we offer a broad range of services to meet all your needs.






Private individuals frequently require surveillance to help them determine the truthfulness of a spouse or significant other.

Confidential P-eye investigators have years of experience conducting surveillance on marital and relationship issues, in the East African area. When conducting an infidelity investigation we obtain high quality video and still images of the subject’s activities. All evidence is lawfully obtained and presented in a simple straightforward manner.

GPS Vehicle Tracking

It is legal for you to install GPS tacking on a vehicle which you own. We have extensive experience with GPS Tracking. GPS tracking equipment is expensive to own and maintain, and should be installed and monitored by a qualified investigator. Current technology allows us to track a vehicle’s movement undetected and virtually uninterrupted for a period of 7-10 days. GPS vehicle tracking is available in conjunction with our surveillance services only when legal.

Other Services:
A few of our other specialized services include:
• Spousal and Premarital Investigations
• Infidelity, Divorce and Child Custody Investigations
• Video Documentation
• Locating Runaways and Missing Persons
• Adoption Issues
• Criminal Investigations
• Civil matters
Background Private Investigations:
Confidential P-eye Investigators utilizes a multitude of sources and techniques to provide you the most accurate and detailed information possible.

A few of the records available include:

• Specialized Database Research
• Liabilities, Liens and Judgments
• Telephone Records
• Non Published Phone Numbers
• Asset Searches
• Employment Verification
• Identity Theft
• Counter-Measures (Phone Tap Detection and De-Bugging)
• Property Records
• Business Searches
• Associates Searches
• Relative Searches
• Drivers License Records
• Vehicle Registration Records
• Civil & Criminal Records
• Sex Offender Records
• Marriage and Divorce Records
• Bankruptcy Records
• Civil Lawsuits
• Property Ownership

Retail Motor Industry Services

  • Disciplinary hearings.
  • Forensic audits.
  • Due diligence reports.
  • Internal fraud investigations.
  • Load & fuel monitoring.
  • Vehicle recovery.
  • Warehouse stock shrinkage.
  • Staff screening / criminal reports / etc.

You will appreciate the professional service and courteous treatment you receive from our firm. We are committed to providing clients a modern product and the highest possible level of customer service. If you have a need for an experienced  infidelity private investigator please do not hesitate to us


How Do Private Investigator Prove Infidelity

If you suspect your spouse of cheating, you may be asking; how does a private investigator prove infidelity? You may want to confirm your suspicions about whether or not your spouse is cheating on you, before you go ahead and begin divorce proceedings.

Confirmation of an affair, as painful as it can be, is often easier than living with suspicion and doubt, especially when you’ve confronted your spouse about it and they have denied it.

If, despite all denials, your sixth sense tells you that there is something wrong, and if your spouse is exhibiting behaviour that further feeds your suspicions, its best for you to hire a private investigator rather than to try and prove infidelity on your own.

The objectivity of a private investigator in gathering evidence will make a very painful experience less so, allowing you to base your decision on whether or not to get divorced on real facts, and not on mere suspicion.

Infidelity can have a major impact on certain issues when it comes to court cases, such as whether the injured party is entitled to a bigger share of the marital assets, or the bearing it could have on the lack of principles and character of the cheater when it comes to custody disputes.

How does a private investigator prove infidelity?

In a world where privacy simply isn’t as important as it once was, what with everyone using cell phones constantly to snap pictures or talk on the phone, gathering evidence on a cheating spouse is even easier than before.

Confidential P-eye is a team of registered private investigators that are considered the number one cheating spouse detectives in East Africa, and if anyone will provide you with results you can take to court in confidence, this is the team you can rely on.

Should you decide to hire Us to prove infidelity, your first meeting will involve the need for you to provide us with as much information on your spouse and his or her routine as possible, to have a starting point when planning the investigation.

You’ll also be free to discuss your budget at this meeting in order to include this in the way that the investigation will be conducted.

Undercover surveillance

As undercover specialists who also use state of the art technology during surveillance, you can rely on this team to leave no stone unturned on your investigation, and to protect you for the duration of the investigation.

As registered private investigators, any evidence of infidelity gathered, will be done without going against the code of conduct and rules that apply to the field of private investigations.

We won’t trespass on private property or use any illicit means of gathering evidence. To these consummate professionals, honesty and integrity rank high on their list of priorities, which is why you can trust them to deliver evidence that can withstand the scrutiny of any judge.

GPS tracking devices

A GPS tracking device can only be used in the investigation if you are the registered owner of the vehicle in question, otherwise it would be illegal and render evidence useless.

Camera’s & video recorders

At the end of the investigation, you’ll receive time-stamped photos and videos as proof of infidelity, as well as a written report detailing events that were not captured on camera or video.

Contact the number one cheating spouse detectives in Uganda!

If there’s one thing you can count on when hiring us to prove infidelity, it’s that they are able to understand just how difficult this experience will be for you, and with thousands of cases behind them already, they bring a sensitivity to the situation that will be invaluable to you.

If your suspicions are becoming too much for you to live with, contact Us, for a confidential chat about what your next step could be. Sure, it’s scary and very painful, but sometimes knowing the truth hurts less than living in uncertainty and suspicion

Are Private Eyes Legal In Uganda

If you’ve never needed to hire a PI but are now considering this possibility, you may ask the question; are private eyes legal? Let’s look at the downside of the private investigations industry before we get to the legalities of being a private eye in Uganda.

It’s unfortunate but true, that there are those who have no compunction about posing as a private investigator simply to fleece people out of their money, which until recent years has cast a shadow over the reputation of the guys who are legitimate PI’s.

The negative image given by these fraudsters to legitimate private investigators is grossly unfair, since it takes a lot of training, experience and knowledge to become an effective investigator.

A bona fide private eye will have studied at a recognised college in order to obtain a degree in private investigations, studies that include gaining a degree in Criminal Justice, since it is essential that any PI has a good understanding of the legalities attached to the industry.

Many private investigators have experience in the police services, which is always a good thing to be on the lookout for when hiring a PI, since this experience, along with further studies, assures you that you’ll be hiring someone who really knows what they’re doing in their field.

Are private eyes legal?

In order to become a private eye legally and officially in Uganda, the PI has to be registered by the regulatory body that oversees the conduct of the investigations industry,

If the PI you are looking into isn’t registered , you would be doing yourself a great disservice by hiring him. In a world that can often be very shadowy, what you want is a private investigator who values integrity, one you know will see your case through to its conclusion the right way.

If you look at a private investigations firm such as Confidential P-Eye, you’ll find that this team meets all these requirements and more, to the extent that they are willing to guarantee the results of any investigation undertaken by them.

Owner of Confidential P-eye, Don Holmes, is a registered private investigator, meeting all the standards expected of private investigators, and with almost 14 years’ experience on the ground, you simply can’t find better to handle your case.

Confidential investigators handles civil & criminal investigations

We are a full-service private investigations firm, with a team of professionals who don’t view any case as being off-limits.

In order to be able to hand both civil and criminal investigations, it takes an exceptional ability to cross over from carrying out surveillance on a subject to then delving into data which takes analytical skill, in order to provide clients with all the information they may need on the subject under investigation.

This ability to cross over means that you can rely on our team the ability to communicate with anyone on any level, and the ability to carry out sometimes-monumental research and analysis.

If you’d prefer the best private investigator in Uganda, on your case, contact Us for a free confidential consultation, or to find out more about private investigator rates.

You can rely Us to deliver the goods with honesty and integrity, which is exceptionally valuable if you want evidence that can stand up to scrutiny in court!

Reasons For A Corporate Investigation

Money Laundering

An internal money-laundering scheme can be incredibly damaging to a business. Owners who are concerned that illegal behaviour is occurring within their business or that companies they associate with are engaging in a money-laundering operation should have an investigation conducted. Investigators can be hired to analyze financial transactions and link them to any corrupt activities.

Harassment and Abuse

Verbal abuse, unwanted advances, sexual assault, bullying, and physical abuse should never occur in a workplace. Unfortunately, such incidents are still common, with many cases going unreported to HR or management. However, this doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be investigated and addressed if someone comes forward or witnesses something. Every company owner should be committed to tackling harassment and ending toxic culture in the workplace for the good of their employees and also their professional image.
Embezzlement Using fake numbers to cover up the movement of money from your company to another location is a crime. If you suspect that someone is skimming from the top, you need to rein it in by starting a corporate investigation. How can your company protect itself from employee misconduct and wrongdoing? Hire a private detective to start a corporate investigation. At the 
confidential p-eye, we can conduct the necessary work to uncover any illegal activity to safeguard your business.
Company owners in Uganda, East Africa are responsible for the activities that happen within their organization – even the activities they don’t witness themselves. But it can be challenging to be aware of what’s happening at all times and what concealed actions may be threatening your company. That’s where internal investigations can help. Whether it’s employee misconduct, a data breach, or financial inconsistencies, here are some common reasons for a corporate investigation and how it could help protect your business.


Employee theft can cost an organization significant revenue, Employee theft is also the reason why many businesses file for bankruptcy. If you have reason to believe that an employee, supplier or stakeholder is stealing from you, it’s important to take swift action before you experience a significant loss. Any evidence you have on hand should be collected and presented to a corporate detective who will carefully investigate your claims. Everything should be kept confidential until you have their findings and decide what next steps will be taken to recover your losses.


Discriminating against someone because of their race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation is prohibited in Canada. Yet, people still experience some form of discrimination in the workplace every day. Homophobia and transphobia also fall under the constitution, and each company is responsible for investigating any discrimination when it occurs. Ignoring such issues could leave you in hot water if a claim is made against your company and insufficient action is taken. It’s always better to get ahead of a situation and resolve it before it can escalate. .

Money Laundering

An internal money-laundering scheme can be incredibly damaging to a business. Owners who are concerned that illegal behaviour is occurring within their business or that companies they associate with are engaging in a money-laundering operation should have an investigation conducted. Investigators can be hired to analyze financial transactions and link them to any corrupt activities.

Harassment and Abuse

Verbal abuse, unwanted advances, sexual assault, bullying, and physical abuse should never occur in a workplace. Unfortunately, such incidents are still common, with many cases going unreported to HR or management. However, this doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be investigated and addressed if someone comes forward or witnesses something. Every company owner should be committed to tackling harassment and ending toxic culture in the workplace for the good of their employees and also their professional image.
Embezzlement Using fake numbers to cover up the movement of money from your company to another location is a crime. If you suspect that someone is skimming from the top, you need to rein it in by starting a corporate investigation. How can your company protect itself from employee misconduct and wrongdoing? Hire a private detective to start a corporate investigation. At the 
confidential p-eye, we can conduct the necessary work to uncover any illegal activity to safeguard your business.
Tips For Conducting An Employee Background Check


It’s every employer’s nightmare. The resume and cover letter were great, the interview was fantastic, but now that their new employee is hired, they’re falling woefully short of expectations. This can usually be avoided by vetting via a thorough background check process. Here are some important aspects to consider when performing one.


Behavioural Interviewing

There are two types of interviews: situational and behavioural. In a situational interview, potential candidates are asked, “What would you do if…?” kinds of questions. It allows the candidate to assume the hypothetical and give the employer an honest answer that aligns with what they want to hear. In behavioural interviews, the same questions are posed as, “Tell me a time when…”, requiring them to explain how they handled the situation. This gives insight into how the candidate would fit into the company as well as their professionalism, and provides the employer with a chance to double-check the story with references.

Social Media Presence

Employees represent their company, and there are two things that shouldn’t be present on their social media. One is any behaviour that would reflect badly on the company. What they choose to make public, including pictures and opinions, can be damaging to their employers. Another is any post that bashes past or current employers. Some people may opt to have two accounts on each social media platform. One will be a public, professional account that they give to employers and attach to any web presence, but the other is the exact opposite. Check to make sure there are no snakes lurking unseen in the grass.

Criminal Record Check

A background inspection will likely include checking for a criminal record, even if the employee says that they don’t have one. Hiring someone with a criminal record is a huge risk for companies to take on. When working in a vulnerable sector like teaching, healthcare, or social work, employees need to get an approved vulnerable sector check. A criminal record search  is then conducted and, if it comes back clean, the employee is cleared to work with vulnerable individuals. They should present the results of this check at their interview.

Educational Background

In jobs where special degrees are required, such as teaching or law, an employer can ask for a transcript for the university the employee attended or to see their degree as proof of credentials. Often, these specialized jobs also come with placements with assessments, portfolios, or digital profiles which the employer may ask to see. A candidate who has recently completed a speciality program will often have a body of work available to show along with transcripts and, potentially, professors who can provide references.
How To Legally Locate Assets

If an individual believes that someone else is hiding assets that they may have an interest in, they may employ the services of a private investigator to help locate the assets. By locating these assets, the individual may be able to use them to their advantage in a legal case, attach the assets to a judgment or otherwise benefit from the discovery.

Situations Involving Hidden Assets

Hidden assets are most commonly involved in family law matters. For instance, in divorce or separation, a spouse may try to conceal assets with the goal of preventing the other spouse from getting a fair share of them in the legal proceedings. In a similar scenario, individuals may hide assets before signing a prenuptial agreement so that their new spouse isn’t aware of them. Hidden assets may also be involved in support matters where someone is trying to avoid fulfilling their monetary obligations, as can be the case in child support or spousal support cases. In some cases, hidden assets can be involved in a bankruptcy filing in an effort to retain some assets after financial ruin. Business partners may try to hide assets or a person who owes a debt to someone else may attempt to hide assets to avoid having these assets rightfully attached. In many cases, hiding assets is considered fraud.

Where Are Assets Hidden?

There’s an infinite number of ways that assets can be hidden, largely dependent on the tactics of the owner. Some choose to conceal assets within their business or create hidden companies. Others have offshore bank accounts where they discreetly store these assets.

In some cases, hidden assets are in the form of assets that haven’t yet been received. These can include stock options, a delayed bonus or a raise. In a divorce, a spouse may try to defer these assets until the divorce proceedings are finished so they won’t have to split it with the other spouse.

Legally Locating Assets

Private investigators have the skills and experience necessary to conduct a full and thorough investigation to help locate these hidden assets. In addition, they can prepare a report and offer testimony in court pertaining to these assets, so the court is aware of all relevant details of alleged misconduct involving hidden assets.

Private investigators have access to tools that can help them locate assets: databases, public records regarding property filings, tax returns and related documents. They also can cross reference names, addresses and other relevant information to gain insight on patterns and potential locations where assets are hidden.

Confidential P-Eye is a nationally recognized investigation agency that has achieved its stellar reputation on the strength of its trusted and professional private investigators. Contact us and we’ll provide you with a confidential consultation to get you the help you

Court Process Servers In Uganda


Confidential P-eye court process servers are Uganda Licensed Court Process servers. Court Process Service is a legal process that utilizes the services of a Licensed Court Process server, authorized under the Laws of Uganda to conduct the procedure. Court Process server is the generic name given to a person who serves court documents.  Court documents are generally served as a way of advising or notifying of an occurrence or process. Not all documents in all jurisdictions must be served by a process server.
What is Service of Process ?
Service of process is the procedure employed to give legal notice to a person, such as a defendant, of a court or administrative body’s exercise of its jurisdiction over that person so as to enable that person to respond to the proceeding before the court, body, or other tribunal. Usually, notice is furnished by delivering a set of court documents, called “process” ,to the person to be served.

Who are Process Servers?

A process server in Uganda is an individual licensed by the High Court of Uganda to provide personal delivery of legal documents, subpoenas, writs, summons, complaints, orders and other court documents filed by a court of law in Uganda .


Process Servers provides a service for Attorneys and the legal industry as a whole. A process service of court documents is a Service of Process and is carried out personally by a licensed Court process server. Depending on the documents ordered to be served in Uganda, Confidential P-eye Court Process Servers do serve court documents quickly and efficiently throughout the country. Confidential P-eye Court Process Servers  are legal document servers licensed by the High Court of Uganda and are guided by the The Uganda civil procedure Act and Rules.

A Uganda Court Process Server is a civil  process server who does serve legal documents or any court related documents that are filed in the Court System within Kenya. The Uganda civil procedure Act and Rules describes a “document” to include: writs, notices, pleadings, orders, summonses, warrants and other documents, proceedings and written communications.

Licensed Court Process Servers – Confidential P-Eye court process servers
Licensed Court Process Servers at Confidential P-Eye doubles as well as Licensed Auctioneers ,  serve all legal documents and your other important documents upon the parties to whom they are addressed. This we do as per the legal specifications. We understand that court process service is an integral part in the administration of justice. We therefore execute the process at the shortest time possible bearing in mind that ‘justice delayed is justice denied’.
Our specialization stands in serving all kinds of judicial and non-judicial papers or documents. Our client base includes large and small corporations, local & international businesses, solicitors / proprietors, private individuals who like to get their papers served worldwide. From Magistrates Court, High Court Supreme Court, Family Law Court or for private and professional matters, our company is trained to conduct each and every case effectively.

Our extensive range of service for process include:

  • Serving Subpoena /petitions / summons / complaints / writs
  • Bankruptcy or winding up petitions
  • Litigation, Issuing and filling at the court
  • Serving other judicial and extra judicial paper in civil and Business matter
  • All Insolvency Act related documents
  • Orders to Attend Court for Questioning
  • Injunction / Freezing Orders
  • Suspended Committal Orders
  • Prohibited Steps Orders
  • Notice Seeking Possession & Possession Order
  • Personal Process Service
  • Serving Child support custody
  • Serving Divorce Papers
  • Serving Family, Marriage, kid related documents

We have the best team of process servers who are well known for conducting the process service with high level of integrity and efficiency. The main aim of our risk investigators is to maintain the level of accuracy and strict timeline while executing the service. The Hague convention process is much lengthier compared to informal service, but our experts with latest resources are easily able to trace the exact location of the defendant and conduct the service.

Our company is well known for conducting process service effectively, quickly and affordably. Our professional team focus on clients and frame the strategy of conducting the process in the most effective way. We are equipped with recent databases and resources which helps us in tracing the defendant accurately.

Our employed licensed process servers are aware of all domestic as well as international laws, which make this service to be served legally. They ensure that the process service is conducted successfully and is delivered at the right address and in the hands of the right person.

We are professional process servers in Uganda Kampala,  JInja,  Kabale Gulu, Jinja, Mbarara, Mbale, Mukono, Kasese, Masaka, Entebbe, Njeru, Kitgum, Arua, and Bushenyi.

To hire our reliable process servers or to know more about our services in detail, feel free to write to us at OR Call our 24/7 Mobile: +256 726 213523

Our team of licensed court process servers will handle all your assignments with the utmost professionalism. At Confidential P-Eye , we serve to meet your expectations.
We are Hiring! We need Investigation Agents Across Africa

In an effort to expand our African Coverage, We are looking to employee Support Agents in different Countries on the African Continent.

Purpose of the job:

Responsible for building Confidential Investigators brand by attending to the assignments in the respective Country and providing assistance to clients in Region.

  • Computer back ground
  • University Degree
  • Good telephone etiquette
  • Team player
  • Clean criminal record
  • Able to work from anywhere as instructed
Key Outputs:
  • Assisting clients with queries
  • Grow and maintain customer relationships
  • Report Writing
  • Research & Investigation
  • Photo, Video, Audio Evidence

If you are in Countries (Uganda,Kenya,  Angola, Zambia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Somaliland, DRC and South Africa), you are interested in the position and you have all it takes to get it, kindly send your application with the required details to

Please include the following with your application:

  • ID
  • Updated C.V with contactable references

 Thank you so much.