Private Investigator on CellPhone Spyware

There are all types of various private investigator tools that can help track information, including cellphone spyware. These tools may help private investigators monitor a target’s activity. However, using such programs may not always be legal.

What Is Cellphone Spyware?

Cellphone spyware is an app or software that is installed by a third party so that the third party can monitor activity on the cellphone. Typically, this software enables the third party to record conversations, track the phone user’s location and monitor additional data that is used on the cell phone.

Reasons to Use Spyware

Many people who are interested in using cellphone spyware do it because they are afraid that their spouse is cheating or they otherwise want to spy on their romantic partner. Parents may use cellphone spyware to learn about who their child is talking to, what websites the child is accessing, what types of pictures the minor is sending and where the child is located.

Companies that provide their employees with business cell phones may use this type of program to track employee movements, anticipate legal problems, monitor their use and anticipate possible problems.

Capabilities of Cellphone Spyware

Cellphone spyware may allow a person to monitor text messages. Typically, a person can delete text messages. Some cell phone providers do not keep a secondary record of such messages. Cellphone spyware may allow a third party to see the text messages sent and received from the phone that has the spyware installed on it. Additionally, the spyware may be able to show the date and time stamps for cell phone activity.

Cellphone spyware may also be able to monitor the call logs between the person who is using the phone and other parties, including the phone numbers, dates, times and duration of each call. Depending on the sophistication of the program, the spyware may be able to record voice calls in real time.

Cellphone spyware may also be able to track the location of the phone in real time. The third party that installed the spyware may be able to see where the phone is at any point in time on a map and see where the phone has been moved from. Cellphone spyware may also be able to track, monitor and record other data such as the websites that were visited on the phone, the emails that were sent and received on the phone and other data that is stored on the phone, such as photos, videos, calendar information and contacts.

Advanced Features

Advanced cellphone spyware may allow a third party to record voice calls, download them and play them back later. The software may also be able to record text messages that are used on different messaging apps, record surroundings and activate the phone’s microphone to record information and listen to later.

Some spyware is so advanced that a person may be able to set an alert so they know when a certain word or phone number is used. Remote control settings may allow a person to remotely lock the phone, unlock the phone or pause the spyware functions.

Legality of Cellphone Spyware

The determination of cellphone spyware’s legality depends on a number of factors. Relevant considerations include why the spyware is being used, state law and ownership principles.

Generally, a person must be the owner of the phone in order to legally install the cell phone. For example, a parent who buys the child’s phone and pays for its continued use is likely the listed owner of the phone.

A company that buys employee phones may also be considered the owner of the phone. For married couples, all property purchased during the marriage is likely marital property and the spouses are co-owners of the phone.

However, if the phone was purchased prior to the marriage or pursuant to an agreement by the parties, it may not be considered the property of the other spouse.

Absent owning the phone, the person who wants to install the spyware must inform the person that he or she is installing the software and that this allows for monitoring. For example, a business may have to inform employees that the cell phones may be monitored.

Another consideration is state laws pertaining to recorded conversations. Some states require informing both parties involved on a phone call that they are being recorded for the recording to be legal.

A licensed private investigator can discuss the possible implications of using cellphone spyware and may be able to assist with completing this type of surveillance in the case